To those having the misunderstanding
of a broken filthy mind within
He'd reveal their true pretending
how they poorly try to be supreme.

Truths that have been hidden deep
in the unexpected depths of mind
remind them of their filthy keen
of the modern babes' kind;

Where have they lost their grace
And power of an elegant gazelle?
They forgot their holy place
And decided they could just be
cruel and souless.

This has given birth
To the nastiest beliefs on Earth.
And as they suck, and lick, and sip
he knows the frogs they'd need to gulp.
He's our new Messiah and provokes
Thoughts in mindless, tears in numb.

All the promises they did revoke
Will leave them brainless, dumb.
He's no God, no special son of Suns,
He's a youngster with an owl
Whispering truths
behind each their

And when our world
falls apart his rays
From the deepest of our beings.
The light he sees is our hope
For brighter future somehow ahead.
He offers you a path, a road
to a beautiful
daydream field.

And it is

Деница Борисова 
