Стефани Стефанова спечели място в обучителен лагер към Асоциацията на европейските журналисти и комисия “Фулбрайт” в партньорство с Посолството на САЩ в България. Деветокласничката е одобрена за едноседмичен летен обучителен лагер за гимназиални ученици, които се интересуват от журналистика. Той ще се проведе между 30 юни и 7 юли в Американския университет в Благоевград и ще бъде голямата награда за авторите на най-добрите материали на английски език, публикувани на sCOOL Media. Целта на лагера е да помогне на учениците да развият още повече своите писмени и репортерски умения. По време на обучението участниците ще работят по свои медийни проекти с помощта на български и международни медийни експерти. Ученичката спечели място в медийния обучителен лагер за млади журналисти със своето есе на английски език "Да бъдеш феминист в XXI век".
It's known that Earth has existed for about 4.5 billion years. For all those years women have been an object of sexual abuse and harassment and domestic violence. They haven't been able to vote, to receive education, to work or have equal pay with men. So, for the past few decades women have earned the rights to make their own decisions in life through social and political movements because of their common purpose - to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the genders.
Justine Musk is a Canadian author and ex-wife of Elon Musk. In the article "I Was a Starter Wife" she writes about Marie Claire, she explains the ways in which the marriage was unhealthy, including that he frequently belittled her, discouraged her from career pursuit, and pressured her to dye her hair blonde. So, later in the post " love. fear. sex. ( + the power of radical listening)" she said: "The enemy of feminism isn't men. It's patriarchy. And patriarchy isn't men. It is a system. And women can support the system of patriarchy just as men can support the fight for gender equality."
Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Feminist historian Gerda Lerner believes that male control over women's sexuality and reproductive functions is a fundamental cause and result of patriarchy. Alison Jaggar also understands patriarchy as the primary cause of women's oppression. The system of patriarchy accomplishes this by alienating women from their bodies. So, what about Alabama abortion ban? Should men have a say in women's rights? They should not have the right to place under a ban women, carrying their rapist's child nor they should have the right to tell them what to do with their own body. Alabama is the state with the highest proportions of black women living there. So, this is just about having the right to choose to reproduce or not. This is about race and fundamental human rights women deserve to have not only in the USA, but also all around the world.
One of the greatest women ever existed is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She is a Nigerian novelist, writer of short stories, and nonfiction. Her revolutionary book-length essay "We Should All Be Feminists" inspired me on so many levels. She is the reason I became a feminist in the first place. Her words, her whole thinking radiates feminism.
Sexual harassment in Arab countries is becoming a dangerous public phenomenon. Women do not feel safe on the streets, in the parks, in public transport and in the schools. According to a survey by the UN Women's Office in Egypt, 99.3% of women surveyed have admitted they have been subjected to sexual harassment at least once. For information, in 2006, the number of cases of harassment and rape was 52,000. That is, 144 attacks each day. And 27% of Algerian students were sexually harassed by their teachers. In Sudan being a rape victim,a woman must prove that the act was committed without her consent. Otherwise, there is a risk of being sued for an out of wedlock, that is, 100 whips for the unmarried woman, and death for the married.
In September 2014, Emma Watson delivered a rousing speech at the U.N. Headquarters launching the HeForShe campaign, the aim of which is to bring more men into the feminist fold, because gender equality benefits everybody. "We need to live in a culture that values and respects and looks up to and idolizes women as much as men." It is our choice where to live but we cannot tell people to respect women. People should respect women because the woman symbolizes life. Respect female existence or expect our resistence.
One of the best movements nowadays is the Me Too one. It is against sexual harassment and sexual assault with a large variety of local and international, alternative names. It began to spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.
You do not have to be a woman to be a feminist. You do not have to tell people who don't agree with you what they should believe in - you should make them believe in feminism through actions. Action speaks louder than word. They show you exactly why you should become a feminist. Feminism isn't just an ideology about women's right or gender's equality. It's just like a religion you firmly believe in. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explained her thoughts on being a feminist: "My own definition is a feminist is a man or a woman who says, yes, there’s a problem with gender as it is today and we must fix it, we must do better. All of us, women and men, must do better."
Автор: Стефани Стефанова, 9 а клас
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