The pros and cons of online vs classroom education


In the last year, the education sector was subjected to a brand new modification, which has been unimaginable before. Online learning was successfully integrated into it and became an integral part of our everyday life, which begged the question whether the distance learning could be more beneficial than the traditional method.

One of the foremost assets of online education is the flexibility which it offers. Furthermore, it saves time and effort, because no daily commute is needed. Classroom education gives us the opportunity to be social active, to develop our communication skills and establish new contacts.

Perhaps the most considerable disadvantage of online classes is that we are required to be more self-disciplined and to know how to manage our time properly. Concerning classroom education, it could provide more preconditions for distractions, which often disturb the learning process.

To conclude, both types of schooling have their advantages and disadvantages, but I personally would choose the classroom education system, because I find face-to-face interaction most efficient for achieving optimum results. 


Автор: Памела Александрова, 12 б клас

