The differences in men-women relationships and what causes them

When it comes down to putting down a line to differentiate men from women, we come to the realisation that those two genders turn out to be two different species. Not just humans that are separated by their anatomical differences. Men and women are not the same in many aspects - from their understanding of communication styles down to each of their needs. After all, it should come as no surprise when people say that men are from Mars and the women are from Venus.

However, those same differences are not mutually respected. Instead, women are often seen as the ‘fragile’ sex while men, on the other hand, are capable of doing any kind of work. And such a matter is most noticeable in the workforce - women may stand at a high position, yet be given trivial tasks while their bosses treat the men colleagues of said women with much more respect and give them more challenging tasks. Even so, how often have you seen a woman be the boss of a large company without her workers disrespecting her even in the slightest, for example?

But the differences do not end just in the working area of our lives. Both genders are having stereotypes forced upon them. Women are taught to see men as something primal and terrifying, they teach women to be quiet and never fight, and to just be a lady. While men are told to ‘man up’, to never show their true emotions, to be wealthy, to be handsome, to be a gentleman. Yet all of those perfections clash with each other anytime a friendship develops between a man and a woman.

Naturally, the causes for such differences are inherited, subconsciously existing in our minds since the day we have even the smallest understanding of what is happening around us. But as time goes on, we come to realise that maybe the differences in men-women relationships are specifically caused by what others think or expect of those relations because it is hard to forget where we all started from in the course of history - however, there is always a way to ignore whatever is happening around you just so you can ‘do you’ and live your life the way you want to live it.

 Автор: Атина Стояникова
