Be grateful!

If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Stop. Look around you. How could have not noticed the rate at which everything surrounding you is changing? How can you dismiss the time's passing without your realisation? Life doesn't wait. It never has and it never will. Not for you, not for anybody else.
Can  you name at least 10 things that you are grateful for even in the slightest? Most people will probably reach the middle of the lost and get stuck because they cannot come up with anything noteworthy. But what can be truly of any worth to remember? Personally, it is something that carries any sentimental value, a memory of someone or something important.
While you are worrying about the trivial aspects of your life, you are missing out on something much more important that could be happening to you instead. You are failing to see the bigger picture. Do not hesitate or wait because nothing will be given to you on a silver platter. Take a risk - or maybe even more than just one. Do not limit yourself because that is what  will truly damage your future gratitude.
You live only once so why not risk it all and go through meaningful experiences? Drop the phone, the books, any assignment just so you can stop, take a breather and look around. You shouldn't obsess over the goals that you had previously set for yourself. Instead, take your time. Organise your thoughts. Be grateful for simply being alive and then, for something else. Start that list. But keep in mind - you aren't obliged to finish it around the same time that you start it just because "you don't have the time". You will find the time. We all do have time, we just fail to appreciate it when that has been the most important thing we need to learn.

        Автор: Атина Стояникова
